Susan’s awe, as she describes it and “addiction to clay” began forty plus years ago in her senior year of college. Eager to learn and expand her breadth of skills, she traveled far and wide to study with some of the best - Warren Mackenzie, David Shanner, Clary Illian, Paul Soldner, and others. Her focus over the years has been functional, wheel thrown pottery along with some sculptural works - and teaching pottery to pre-school age through college, as well as special education and rehab students. Susan’s professional life also includes the owning and co-owning of three art galleries over a period of thirty years.

As a life long learner and lover of clay she has visited and collected from potteries from all over the US and twenty some countries including Japan, Korea, Israel, So. Africa, Europe and South America.

In her words, “I am constantly renewed with amazement for the strength, flexibility, and versatility of clay. It is my lifelong teacher”.