Seasonally Tree & Flower Painting

~ Intuitive Writing ~ Creative Play ~ and More

Saturdays from 10am-3pm

Upcoming Workshops TBA!

$160 per person, no experience needed, supplies provided
Space is Limited, pre-registration required; for more info contact:


Held at ASiF Studios
940 Idaho Maryland Rd.G.V. 95945  

Wear comfortable painting clothes and bring a bag lunch, we will have tea and snacks. For more about the artists, visit: 

Lil McGill  www.lilmcgill.com  
Denise Wey  www.denisewey.com

create@lilmcgill.com 530-277-0397
or weydenise@gmail.com 530-559-9112

Join us for a day of painting and creative play to nourish your spirit with the spring themes of new growth and blossoming, and the colors lavender and purple!

A Paint Sisters Production